Sexual Assault Information

  • 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
  • 四分之一的女大学生在大学期间会被强奸或强奸未遂.
  • More than 60% of rape victims/survivors know their attackers.
  • 7% to 10% of all adult rape victims are males.
  • 大多数强奸犯的动机是敌意、对能力不足的恐惧和控制欲.
  • Rapists use sex as a weapon to hurt, humiliate and intimidate their victims.
  • 的 FBI estimates that only 1 in 10 rapes are reported to the police.
  • Go to a safe place and tell someone you trust what happened.
  • It’s your choice to report the crime to the police and/or the University, 但请记住,对强奸犯采取行动可以防止其他人成为受害者. If you would like to report the assault, you can call FSU Police Department or your local police department. 你也可以向第九条协调员或其他大学工作人员报告. 请知道,大多数大学员工有义务报告,如果他们知道或怀疑发生了性侵犯.
  • Don’t shower, bathe, douche or brush your teeth.
  • Don’t throw away any clothing or objects that might contain evidence. 保存在攻击过程中穿过的每一件衣服,不要清洗或修改,如果有的话,把它们放进纸袋里. If you choose to go to the hospital, bring the bag with you. 
  • Seek medical attention either at a local hospital or Health Services. Not all injuries are evident, 所以为了你的幸福, it is recommended that you receive a medical exam as soon as possible. 医务人员可以帮助评估你的需求,包括预防性传播感染和怀孕, 情感咨询.
  • 做个好证人. Even though it may be hard, try to remember details. 的 sooner you tell, the sooner the attacker can be caught.
  • Emotional care: Seek support from trusted friends or family. Go to the 咨询中心 and a counselor can talk with you confidentially. Remember, it’s not your fault.
  • Other supports on campus include the Dean of Students Office, 住宿生活工作人员, 和校园事工. (请注意,校园事工的工作人员并不总是在校园,但会回复信息.)

Survivors of sexual assaults may experience some of the following:

  • 冲击/麻木
  • 无助
  • 恐惧和焦虑
  • 内疚、自责、羞愧
  • Difficulty sleeping or eating
  • Academic difficulty/difficulty with attention and focus.
  • Use of substances to manage painful feelings.
  • 幸存者会有各种各样的反应,这些反应可能会在袭击发生后的不同时间出现, 天, 周, 或者几个月后. Counseling can help survivors address these needs at any time.
  • Listen carefully, without judgment.
  • 不要责怪. 
  • Offer a safe place to stay.
  • Let the survivor make decisions about next steps. All control has been stripped from the victim during the assault. Allow the victim to make decisions about what steps to take next.
  • Assist in getting the treatment/services they need if they agree.
  • 保持冷静. You might feel shock or rage, but expressing these emotions to the victim may cause the victim more trauma.
  • Encourage medical attention and counseling.
  • 请参考SHAPE网站上提供的资源和报告信息.
  • 自己寻求帮助.
  • 当你关心的人被侵犯时,你会感到震惊和沮丧. 你可能会有一系列的反应,包括愤怒、悲伤、恐惧和无助.
  • 向幸存者表明你关心他们,支持他们,这一点很重要. Seek emotional support for yourself when you can.
  • SHAPE网站上提到的大部分资源也可供那些支持幸存者的人使用.



校园或邻近社区发生重大暴力犯罪事件, 安全公告将由十大网赌信誉平台警察局发布在安全公告上, located near the main entrances to all campus buildings. You may also view them on the Campus Police website.

CODE BLUE ® emergency phones have been placed on all academic buildings, foyer of each residence hall, and the walkway behind Hemenway Hall. 除了, they are located in the following parking lots: Maynard, 枫木, 运动场, 联盟大道, Upper and Lower Normal Hill, Linsley Lot and the Bement Shuttle Stop. 这些电话直接打到十大网赌信誉平台警察局. 使用这些手机时, please remain calm and give clear details of the situation you are reporting.

To operate an emergency phone, simply press the button. 的 弗雷明汉 State 大学警察 Department will respond immediately. 即使你不能说话, 他们会知道你的位置,一艘巡洋舰会很快到达现场. 在整个紧急情况下,与警察局的音频联系将保持激活状态.

十大网赌信誉平台警察局要求学生只有在绝对必要和没有其他选择的情况下才要求陪同. Escorts are provided for safety reasons only. Escorts will be given from 2:00 a.m. 直到黎明. 学生应根据自己的时间安排,因为白天没有陪同人员.

Student Transportation Center provides shuttle bus service to/from parking lots. 请查看张贴的标志和学生交通中心网站上的时间表和其他信息. For more information, you may call the Student Transportation Center dispatch line at 508-215-5920.

当不使用穿梭巴士服务时,我们鼓励学生从停车场或宿舍之间步行. 的 shuttle bus stop is located at the Bement parking lot. 的 bus route usually takes about 20 minutes for the entire circuit. Students may contact the Student Transportation Center at 508-215-5920 for immediate shuttle information.

Access to the residence halls is through designated main entrance doors only. 学生将获得一张仅用于他们宿舍的门禁卡和一张单独房间的钥匙. 学生不得将自己的门禁卡或房间钥匙给他人. If a key access card or room key is lost, 应立即分别报告给学生处和住宿部.

每个宿舍服务台都位于大厅里,并配备了服务员,负责监控进出大楼的人员, 包括检查所有进入大厅的人员的门禁卡和/或身份证件. 每个宿舍楼大厅都安装了监控摄像头,以加强安全. 只要学生住在楼里,课桌每周7天,每天24小时都有工作人员. 所有访客和住校学生的客人都必须在前台签到并留下有效的带照片的身份证明. 客人只有在赞助居民陪同他们到他或她的房间时才被允许进入大楼. Once a guest has been signed in, 当客人在大楼内时,住客有责任随时陪同. Students will be held directly responsible for the actions of their guests.

十大网赌信誉平台不拥有、也不赞助或推荐任何校外住房. 寻求校外住宿的学生应与当地警方和任何出租物业的房东彻底核实该地区的犯罪发生率. 在签署任何租赁协议之前,检查建筑物或公寓是否有足够的安全设备也很重要.